Build the lot or place one from the gallery, then set the lot type to High School or Auditorium. Edit the lot you want to turn into a High School (or Auditorium).With the release of High School Years, Venue Changes lets you change the locations of the High School and Auditorium to different lots. If you don’t have certain packs installed, the list of venues will show blank items.The “Changes to Existing Venues” makes special lot types available (by setting hide_from_build_buy_ui to false) and makes other changes necessary for the venues to work properly.The “Venues” package modifies the list of venues to show all types that have hide_from_buildbuy_ui set to false.This is a feature I’m considering implementing in the future, but isn’t currently included. If you set a custom venue to “Hospital”, Sims in the Doctor career will still be sent to the default Hospital. Venue Changes does not currently alter where Sims will be sent for active careers, it just unlocks the venue types. Make world-specific lot types, like Beaches, available in all worlds.Change the lot type of special lots, like Chalet Gardens, Myshuno Meadows, or even the Mt.Unlock custom venue types added by other mods.Venue Changes unlocks most venue types in Build Mode.