So yea.there's that.Red dead online interactive collector map Web

I figured out early in the game that I wasnt going to get any real help filling out tickets or waiting for updates. I have found it extremely useful for troubleshooting my game problems.

Some purist may find using the online map is cheating.

(go find Nazar again!) With using the online map I can verify where something is or something isnt and quit wasting my time on wild goose chases because R* cant make their own game work. Your only choice is to toss the map to get rid of the yellow smudge and go buy another map. You can go to the places (travel the entire length of the map) and the object isnt where it is clearly marked on her map. But there is also another bug that screws up gameplay.Many times Nazar maps are just plain wrong. Like Ron, I dont use the online map to find the objects, I much prefer to use Madame Nazer maps or find the things thru exploration. Since collecting is my main gig, it is a huge PIA when I need to restock the maps. I am pretty sure that is not the way the game is supposed to work.(bug?) My strategy is to buy all of the maps at once when I do find her because I never know when she will turn up again. The only way you can find her is when you hear the wagon music and randomly stumble upon her location by accident. It's a little like the Cripps problem, except she and her wagon are actually in the game but the in- game map wont always show her marker. She tends to not show up on the ingame map until 2 hours after I have logged on or not at all. I use the online map primarily to find Madame Nazer.